Monday, 4 February 2013

Value of Money....

What is money,..
The Indian currency notes read:
"I promise to pay the bearer, the sum of xxx Rs."
What does this statement really mean?
It means.,. you promise to get goods/services worth those xxx Rs.
This currency note tells that the bearer has worked and has contributed to the society worth the amount and thus it's now a duty of the society to pay him back for his needs and hence promises to "pay the bearer" with goods and/or services worth xxx Rs. It guarantees the same amount of services to the bearer as those he/she has already contributed to the society.
This concept baffles me a little,..
The question is,..
Am I oblidged to get goods/ services for what my parents contributed? Especially, if they're no longer alive?
Is it possible for a human to contribute so much in his life time, that generations are oblidged to get services for what the forefathers have contributed?
And most of all, what do we contribute by owning a piece of land? First of all, can a human actually OWN a piece of land?
Why are we promised services for such frivolity?
And if I have more money than someone else,.. does it really mean my contribution is more than others?
Can I contribute multiple - 10x, 100x, 1000x of what others have?
Is it possible for someone to use the same 24 hours in a much more valuable way?
Is mental labor more valuable than physical? Or vice-versa?
My own puzzling delusions,....

Friday, 1 February 2013

Which one would be preferred

Which one would be preferred,.
while buying a piece of cloth,..
the purest form of white?
or printed, multicolored
or may be the one,..
with beads and stones,..
some dull some bright?

Which one would be preferred
as a friend,.. a fellow companion?
the purest form of white?
may be just black and white?
or full of colors,....
some dull some bright?

Which one would be preferred,.
as a son, a daughter -- a child?
the purest form of white?
or a collage of varied pictures,..
colorful,...some dull some bright?